Photo and Graphic

Wall Art

Canvas & Posters

Great Bonus

Photos and artwork are in a perfect match with Ejm Art fabric & paper print designs:

With your sewing projects..

In the livingroom: Match your chosen poster with your newly sewn through pillows, table cloth, curtains etc. Find the ideal  fabric & paper prints to match with your projects.

In the bedrooms: Match your chosen poster with the DIY Bedding Kits you can sew for you, your  family and friends


Not skilled in sewing?

Want to learn?

OR buy finished goods..

Go to Ejm Art Shop at Spoonflower..
> At arrival at page LOOK DOWN to select a ejmart design > type the design name at the search field top right & add  e.g. “in Living & Decor” or “in Bedding” (the product you would like to buy in the design).
If you loose track of Ejm Art designs, you can always type “ejmart” in the search field and find your way back.

Click the Art you desire & learn its tale; Wall Art with great stories to tell your family & friends

To all my Prints there is a story. My Photo Art is often the inspiration and the origin to my fabric prints.


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